Export difficulty

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Export difficulty

Post by McBryde »

Here's something else:

I create a basic shape in Curvy and export as .obj file to Sculptris for fine tuning.
However, it doesn't lose and there's a box telling me that there are too many connections to vertex [max 24]. A bit strange, as the file is small and the shape simple.

I take it into Meshlab to do a VCG surface reconstruction [as suggested on another forum] but Meshlab crashes every time I try to import the file.
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Post by Simon »

I've never had issues with MeshLab, but Sculptris has a known limitation when too many edges meet at one vertex.

One thing you could try is using "Quick Merge All" on your object before exporting - this will rearrange the triangles evenly over the surface (and has been used by others successfully with Sculptris).

Or you can try changing the curvy object resolution and trying again with MeshLab where a slight quadric triangle optimisation will heal the problem vertex (I'm working on adding this to Curvy itself).
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Post by McBryde »

I did the "Quick Merge All" - that really should have done it. I reinstalled Meshlab in case it had become corrupted somehow, and did a permission repair on my Mac. But same thing ... every time I import the .obj file saved on my desktop from Curvy Mashlab crashes! Other obj files open ok.
= weird
= possibly a Mac issue [I'm running the latest system software].
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Post by Simon »

How are you exporting the OBJ? Are you using the Export OBJ menu button? (I ask because others have simply saved a name.cvy file as name.OBJ)

If you make a simple Curvy object (change resolution to the minimum) you should be able to view the OBJ file in Notepad (Or whatever text file editor you have in Mac) - you could even post the contents of that file here so I could see if anything is obviously broken.

It should be plain text and numbers.
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Post by McBryde »

I exported through file/export. Then it saved the file automatically as obj. [after having done a 'quick merge all']

I couldn't work out how to attach the text file so I'll send it to your private email.

But I've just noticed that it's 5MB.... so maybe I'll hold on that..

It's a simple form - so goodness knows why thr text file is so large.

Here's a small sample of it:


o QMesh1


v -2.6436e-03 -0.34607 0.84411

v 1.3494e-02 -0.34694 0.84354

v -3.059e-03 -0.33045 0.84327

v -3.0845e-03 -0.36652 0.84298

v -1.7227e-02 -0.34678 0.8428

v 1.3312e-02 -0.32955 0.84248

v 1.5497e-02 -0.36639 0.84217

v -1.7632e-02 -0.32963 0.84181

v 3.4714e-02 -0.34702 0.84153

v -1.9625e-02 -0.36744 0.84137

v -3.5127e-03 -0.38963 0.84137

v -3.7949e-02 -0.34755 0

Thanks Simon.
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Location: Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.

Post by Simon »

My version (from Windows Curvy) starts slightly differently with a "mtllib curvy_default.mtl" otherwise looks the same.

OBJ is a large format, even simple objects can take a lot of space. If you pull the resolution slider to the left all the way (On a Lathe - not a Merge) you will get a small test file.

You might be able to export in other formats, try the drop down at the bottom of the Export file chooser.

mtllib curvy_default.mtl
usemtl Mat0
o Lathe1
usemtl Mat1
v 6.0883e-002 -3.9383e-002 0.17193
v 9.6655e-002 0.18717 0.11183
v 0.23071 -6.6197e-002 1.503e-008
v 0.20711 0.16973 9.7762e-009
v -0.10894 -1.2569e-002 0.
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Location: Skelemersdale, Lancs, UK

Post by McBryde »

On my Mac file/export produces the same box as 'save' - with no format option [it saves only in obj].

"..If you pull the resolution slider to the left all the way (On a Lathe - not a Merge) you will get a small test file. .." = still crashed {:/
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Location: Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.

Post by Simon »

Could you please email me the small file so I can examine?
test at curvy3d dot com
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Location: Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.

Post by Simon »

There is an error with the materials. However it is easily fixed in the file (and will be fixed in the next version of Curvy).

If you open the file in a text editor and change the top like this... removing all lines with mtllib,usemtl,and Mat# - see below.

thanks for helping find this bug,


Code: Select all


o QMesh3

v -5.3258e-03 -0.28296 1.0398


Code: Select all

o QMesh3

v -5.3258e-03 -0.28296 1.0398
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