how to make a sculptie unicorn

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how to make a sculptie unicorn

Post by GothicKitten »


I would like to know how to make a scultpie unicorn.

I did ask a person in Second Life if they could make it for me and they said they could but have not got back to me about it. I really need this for a custom build I have been asked to build in Second Life, as it is part of the theme, and the sculpties I have found on the market place for unicorns do not suit what I need.

I have a picture of the unicorn I want to turn into a sculptie but I have no idea how to do so as I am new to this program.

If any one can help me or wants to see the picture of the unicorn I want to make into a sculptie I can either upload a picture of it or paste the link to it.

If i can find out how to make the unicorn into a sculptie then I am more then likely to buy curvy 3d as at the moment I am on a 30 day free trail.

hope you can help.
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Post by Simon »

Hi again (having just read your other post about sculpties!)
Unicorn is definitely doable in Curvy, the hardest part is a good knowledge of anatomy (which sadly I don't have). Here are a few examples I have made...


The main trick is to load your image as a backdrop and trace several shapes as overlapping Lathes - eg: One for each leg, body, head. Then you can use a Curvy Map to sculpt them a bit - if you keep them as Lathes they will export cleanly as Sculpties. (Using Mesh editing will make them much harder to export as Sculpties as the UVs get mucked up).

If you could post the image that would help.
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