Aartform Curvy 3D

View Menu


Hide or show each panel using this popup menu.

Quick Hide Panels

Hide or show all unpinned panels.


Hide Bones stops the bone lines from being drawn. This is useful when you want to take screenshots.

Fast Edit

This option stops render updates during an edit operation. This means your objects will leave trails while the mouse button is held down, but in return all actions will run very smoothly even for very complex scenes.

Overlay Backdrop

If you have loaded a backdrop from one of the in-view control menus this option will make your objects see through so you can easily trace through from the background.

Show Edit Curves

Sometimes when you are painting it is useful to hide the curves of an object to get a clear view of what you are painting. This option does just that. Remember to turn it back on when you start modelling again or things get very confusing.

Expert GUI

This mode hides all the view controls to give you a large clear area to create in. Along with Quick Hide Panels this gives you huge clear views. When you move the mouse cursor to the corner of the screen the menus pop up temporarily, ready for use.

Save View

This command lets you make high res screen captures from Curvy.

Usually "Print Screen" on your keyboard will be enough to grab images out of Curvy, this command lets you save a larger image with an alpha channel if required (and also hides the curvy interface for the capture.). Images are saved as BMPs in a folder you choose. You can choose to save as TGA by changing the file type in the save dialog - TGA files are saved with an alpha channel to enable easier blending in paint programs.

Screenshot 1:1 saves the image at normal screen resolution. Screenshot x2 to x5 saves the screen 2 to 5 times bigger. These Hi-Res screenshots look best if AntiAliasing is disabled in your Graphics Card's options.

Reset All Views

If you have lost your model, or want to quickly get back to the centre of the 3D scene, this command puts all your views back to default settings.