Aartform Curvy 3D
Index- Introduction- Quick Start- Tutorials- Reference

Tool Overview

Tools are the main way of interacting with your 3D model and the views. Pick a tool and then use it in one of the views.

You will not have to change tools yourself very often. Curvy chooses tools for you automatically to ease your workflow. For example, after creating a Lathe the tool will automatically change to the Add Curve Tool. Automatic changes tool happen when you change your selection, or start painting in a 2D view. It is very likely you will hardly notice these changes - they just blend naturally into your workflow.

Tool Restrictions

Some tools can only be used in the 3D views, and others require an object or curve to be selected before you can use them. If a tool you have selected can not be used, the tool cursor will change into a tool that could be used in that context.

When the tool is unavailable a little red symbol appears over the tool you chose, and the red square moves to a tool that could be used instead. (see image)

So for example if you move the Move Tool into a 2D view you will see the cursor change into a Paint Brush.
Or if you choose the Widgit Move tool without a curve selected, the cursor will change into the Select Tool until you have picked a curve.

Tool Shortcuts

Once you are comfortable with using Curvy you can speed up your workflow using Shortcuts. By using the different mouse button and key presses you can access any tool very quickly. There are key presses to choose a tool, and key holds to temporarily change your current tool.

Key Presses

There are only key presses to access one of each type of tool. The others in each type are accessible by using a Key Hold after switching to the right type of tool with a Key Press.

Select Tool E s-E-lect
Create Lathe Tool C C-reate
Move Tool T T-ransform
Widgit Move Tool W W-idgit
Draw Tool D D-raw
Paint Brush B B-rush
Pan Tool V V-iew

Key Holds

Here are some shortcuts to get you started, more are available on the individual tool pages.

It will take a while to learn all the shortcuts, but you can find some for yourself by holding down the Ctrl key, the Shift key, and also Ctrl+Shift together. Each of these key holds will change the tool cursor to show what action is available with the left mouse button.

Select RMB
Orbit MMB+Ctrl
Zoom MMB+Ctrl+Shift or Wouse-Wheel-Roll
With an object selected:
Move LMB+Shift
Rotate LMB+Ctrl
Scale LMB+Ctrl+Shift
With a curve tool selected:
Widgit Move LMB+Shift
Widgit Rotate LMB+Ctrl
Redraw Curve LMB+Ctrl+Shift

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