Aartform Curvy 3D

Select Tool

The select tool is used so often it is permanently available by clicking or dragging with the Right Mouse Button (RMB). You can also choose the select tool from the Tools Panel.

When you hold down the button to activate the select tool all the curves of the objects you could select appear in light blue. Move your cursor over them to turn them orange - this shows the obejct is selected - then let go.

To select nothing just click or drag in an empty part of the view or press SPACE.

There are three levels of selection, "Nothing", "Object" and "Curve". From nothing selected you can select an object. With an object selected you can select a curve. If you have a curve selected you must deselect twice to select nothing - the first deselects the curve, the second deselects the object. It is easiest to do this by tapping SPACE twice.