Aartform Curvy 3D

Panel Management

The Panels hold all of the controls and properties you will need to modify while modelling with Curvy. At each stage in the modelling process you will need different panels available so Curvy makes it simple to move and hide panels as you need them.

Panel Overview

Here is a panel with the standard features labled.

Drag with the LMB on the Drag Grip to move the panel. If you move the panel off to the left or the right of the window it will automatically dock with the other panels there. This helps to keep your panels tidy.

If you press TAB all the panels will hide themselves - apart from any you have Pinned. To Pin a panel just click it's Pin icon.

You can hide a single panel by clicking the Close icon. To unhide a single panel make sure you have not TAB hidden everything and either choose the panel from the "View: Panels >" Menu or press one of the F1 to F7 keys, each controls a different panel.