Aartform Curvy 3D

Paint Brush Tool

The paint brush requires a selected model. Drag with the LMB to apply paint to the model.

Click on the different image types in the Object Properties Panel to choose which map to paint on. A little paint brush symbol appears on the currently active map.

Use the Paint Brush Panel to control the shape, size and opacity of the paint brush.

Map Types

Painting on different maps has different effects:

Base Colour Map

This map effects the colour of an object. The Base Colour is the matte or diffuse colour of an object.

Highlight Colour Map

This map effects the colour of an object. The Highlight Colour is the shiny or specular colour of an object.

This map is useful for removing highlights on parts of a model that are in shadow or dirty.

In this image I have painted bits of the map green and other bits black. Where the map is black there are no highlights. (To make the highlights easier to see I also changed the base colour to grey)

Curvy Map

This map effects the shape of an object. Where the map is white there are bumps, where it is black there are dips and where the map is 50% grey the surface is unmoved.

This map is useful shaping Curvy objects.

In this image I have painted a simple face onto the Curvy map, this object uses a Lathe made out of three simple curves and "M" symmetry in combination with the Curvy map to create a complex shape. You can see the map I painted below the model.

When painting Curvy maps you will need to use the Smooth Brush Tool frequently, just press Shift with the paint tool selected to temporarily swap to using the smooth brush.

Bump Map

This map effects the look of an object's surface without actually changing the underlying shape of the object.

NB: You will only be able to use this kind of map on powerful graphics cards. If your card supports bump mapping choose "View: Render Mode: Best Rendering" from the Menus to turn on the bump and detail maps. Then bump maps will become visible.

Here is a simple sphere with a noisy bump map onthe top half and a painted bump map onthe bottom half.

Detail Map

The detail map is also only available on good graphics cards, and will appear when you choose "View: Render Mode: Best Rendering" from the Menus. This is different to all the other maps in that it is repeated many times over the surface. It is sometimes useful when you want to add small detail to a model, or make a surface look mottled.

Here you can see an image with a single "a" repeated over the model by using a detail map.