Aartform Curvy 3D

Groups Panel

The Groups Panel is hidden by default. Press F7 to show it. Groups are very useful in organising a scene, and in posing models.


Here is a sample groups panel for quite a complex character model.

Each object is represented by name in the groups window. Each object can have a parent, if it has a parent it is listed below the parent in the list, and is transformed (moved, rotated or scaled) whenever the parent is transformed.

LMB click selects an object. When an object is selected it is displayed in Yellow, and it's children are displayed in brown. You can see in the view next to the groups panel that the selected object's curves are orange and the child objects' curve are purple.

RMB click to open and close a group - closing a group hides all the children. A - next to a name means that object or group has children and is open. A + means there are children but they are not being shown in the groups panel because the object/group is closed.

Drag on the white panel name to open the Groups Menu where there is a single command "Create Group". This creates a special kind of object that is not rendered as a normal 3D object but instead is useful to use as a parent of actual 3D objects to help you organise your models.

Drag an object with the LMB to give it a new parent, release the LMB when the new parent has a white highlight.

Press "H" to hide or unhide an object and all it's children. Hidden objects are displayed in grey, whether they were hidden by using "H" or by layers.

You will need to use groups to use the powerful "Apply Children to Curvy Map" feature in Curvy.