Aartform Curvy 3D

Edit Menu


Undo the last action


Cut the selected object or group and put it on the Clipboard


Copy the selected object or group and put it on the Clipboard


Insert the object or group on the Clipboard.

Paste Mirror Clone

While you can use "L" to make an exact mirror image of any object, you can not edit the mirror image. If however you copy the original object and use Paste Mirror Clone you will create a real new obejct that can be modified independantly of the original.


Deselect the active selected curve or object.


Delete the selected object or group.

Posing Mode

Re-arrange the objects and skinned models in the scene separately to modelling them.

You can switch in and out of Pose mode by pressing 'U' and any edits you make to the position/rotation of objects is stored separately while posing.

Pose Bones Only

To make posing easier when using bones - choose the option "Edit/Pose Bones Only" and then only bones can be selected in posing mode.