Current Material Panel
Aartform Curvy 3D

Current Material Panel

The current material panel lets you change the colour and surface appearance of an object. You can choose different lightmaps to make a surface look like anything from chalk to metal.


Here is a labled diagram of the current material panel.
Clicking on the Colour Swatches lets you choose a colour for your model's base light and highlight. Just LMB click on the swatch then use the Colour Panel to edit the colour.

Dragging on the Light Rotation Sliders lets you change the angle of the incoming light.
NB: The highlight rotation only works while using "View: Render Mode: Best Rendering" on a high end graphics card - otherwise the highlight has the same rotation as the base light.

The Alpha slider controls the transparency of an object. If you have not set the object render property Fog then the object will simply disappear when this goes under 50% otherwise it will slowly fade from view.

Here is an object with a black highlight colour - it looks soft and dull.

Below are images of the same model with different lightmaps and colours: