Aartform Curvy 3D

Create Line Tool

Draw a Line

Drag with the LMB in a 3D view to draw a curve and create a new Line Object.

Curvy will build the object when you release the LMB.
The first curve you defines the overall shape of the Line Object.

Set the Width of the Line

To set the width of the line draw a short curve near the start of the first curve.

This second curve defines the width of the line.
To make cones and tendrils you can add a third curve near the end of the first curve.
With three curves, the first defines the shape of the Line Object, the second sets the start width, and the third sets the end width.

To change the widths you can either redraw the end curves, or scale them.

Curvy Line Objects only use the first three curves - any more are ignored.


Here are some examples of using Curvy's Line Objects

Play "LineObjectsScript.txt" to see the process of drawing these objects.